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As the VIP hostess, I have lived to see more than forty boat parties in this season alone. Each boat party is unique. A new crowd of up to three hundred people always brings a brand-new set of vibes. More than anything, you guys define the party.

Sangria can only take the party so far.

Sometimes the Meluna can be stronger, the music faster, the security-guards grumpier, the mojitos sweeter, the dancers hotter. If it’s your lucky day, we have succulent strawberries as snacks. If not, you will have to satisfy yourself with a slice of mainstream – but juicy – pineapple.
Naturally, along with seeing the contrasts between each and every party, I see the patterns. What the people do at every party.
I have gathered enough information, personal experiences and anecdotes to be able to confidently tell you what you SHOULD DO and what you SHOULD NOT DO.

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Do put on sun-cream

I have seen too many people emerge from our boat party a deep shade of tomato rather than the sexy brown that they were hoping for. Four hours under the glare of the Balearic sun: respect your skin as we respect you.

Do use the epic slide to get into the water

Jumping into the silky-smooth sea is one thing but slinking in on our waterslide will bring you right back to childhood. You will want to do it again and again and again.

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Do dance on the boxes on either side of the DJ booth

The boxes that sit dutifully on either side of Cris Ruiz, our resident DJ, do not belong to the dancers. They are there for you too! We share everything on the Oceanbeat boat and the dancers are happy to share their little stages with you. Knock back a hierbas shot and climb on up. Feel like a captain up there?

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Do kiss a stranger

There is no time or place better than the Oceanbeat boat party to strike up some friendly connections… Remember, what happens on the boat stays on the boat. What have you got to lose?

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Do flirt with the VIPs

Make the VIPs want to venture out of their plush zone and into the crowd. You know how to.

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Do pose for our proffessional photographer, Jago

It’s not every day that you have your own personal paparazzi in the beautiful form of Jago, the resident Oceanbeat photographer and memory-maker. And if paparazzi is in fact a daily occurrence for you: hi, we’re called Oceanbeat, what’s your name? ;)

All his photos appear on our website a few days after your party, immaculately edited and fine-tuned to be ripe for your Instagram feed.

Do dance like there’s no tomorrow

This is a boat party not a boat show. Don’t let the others do the dancing for you. Get up and join in – no excuses! You will thank us later ;)

After all we’re all in the same boat…

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Do ask for Tommy’s number

I am a good wing-woman.



Don’t forget to try the mojitos

Venture to the bar downstairs  where you will find our muscovado-frosted mojitos lined up and waiting for you. Let one of us know if you’d like it a little stronger; I’m sure that there is something we can do for you.

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Don’t come to the boat hungry

We are here, thrown together on this boat, to party. Not to eat. Of course we will provide you with the calories to keep you going for four hours (muffins, croissants, brioche, fresh kiwis, pineapple, melon and bananas) but you can save your tapas feast for later.

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Don’t be intimidated by the rock of the boat – dance!

The boat’s dance floor is not always the most stable of surfaces by its very nature of being on a BOAT. If you want a little less craziness and a little more balance, then you can choose a beach party instead. Beaches tend to stay in one place. Let the motion of the ocean guide you into dance moves you’ve never done before.

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Don’t forget to go to the after-party

Our AFTER-PARTY at BORA BORA is just as much part of the Oceanbeat experience as anything else. We even offer you another FREE DRINK when you arrive, which you can get at the bar using your Oceanbeat wristband.

Don’t worry

Be happy.